Lunch Bunch May 2015
Fifty-five years ago today the Colonel White graduating class of 1960 walked across the stage of the NCR Auditorium and received high school diplomas. What a great class we have! Our classmates still keep in touch. We have a marvelous web site. We have monthly luncheons. We are planning a reunion in October to celebrate. The class of 1959 will be joining us for the reunion.
Sadly, we know of 58 members of the class who are deceased. You can see that list on our web site under "In Memory". We also are still looking for another 58 members who have fallen off the radar. Check out the "Missing Classmates" and let us know if you can help locate any of them.
At the end of April and again last Friday many decisions were made to make the reunion a special time for everyone. Watch for your opportunity to register. We are close to getting all of the information out.
Friday's luncheon was at Marion's Piazza and was mostly spent on reunion planning. We were sorry to hear that Nancy Banta Jones was under the weather. And our thoughts are with Reginia Myers England as she recovers from a series of mishaps.
On June 26, we will meet at the home of Tina Stamas Fote for lunch and assembling a "snail mailing". More information on that later. Attending last Friday: Stanley Blum (teacher); Kaaren Bodiker Dunlap; Gary Keithley ('59); Audrey Hahn Wion and husband Ken; Nancy Hambleton Hofele; Randy Jones; Sue Lovely and daughter Debbie; Judi Ross and sister Susi; Sally Rozsa Donese; Dianne Shook Trottier; Harriet Smalley Ellis ('59) and husband Jim; Tina Stamas Fote and husband Alex.