Lunch Bunch Jan. 2015
Members of the class met at Marion's on January 30. Those attending were: Dave Gruber and wife, Becky; Audrey Hahn Wion and husband, Ken; Nancy Hambleton Hofele; Sue Lovely and daughter, Debbie; Regenia Myers England; Judi Ross; Sally Rozsa Donese; Dianne Shook Trottier; and Tina Stamas Fote and husband, Alex.
We learned that Connie Fry Schaefer recently lost her mother.
Audrey Hahn Wion has assumed the responsibility of contacting lunch bunch classmates who do not have email. She will remind them each month. We encourage any and all classmates to join us for lunch on the last Friday of each month. Members of the classes of 1959, 1960 and 1961 are especially welcome. Come one. Come all. The February 27 luncheon is set for Marion's. The March 27 luncheon is yet to be determined.
In February it will be necessary to form the committees for our 55th class reunion. The dates are October 16 and 17, 2015. The class of 1959 will be joining us. Please considering joining us in February and volunteering for a committee or committee chair. Some committees would be: decorations, food, program, Friday night event, and reservations. Regenia Myers England has agreed to get photographer information..
And, finally, I just received a note from Ann Taylor Sterlin. She said it was so good to connect with classmates when she was in Dayton last August and sends greetings to her CW classmates.